Melody Circle Sequencer Node

A pattern-based sequencer that generates musical events based on the well-known Euclidean algorithm. The timeframe, step length, and the number of events are customizable parameters used by the node for calculations. To produce audio output, connect to a Sampler Node, Oscillator Node, or Noise Generator Node for example.


Step length

Sets the duration of one single step, in beats.

The custom step length option is available with an AudioNodes HD subscription.

Output mode

Specifies how the Node emits generated notes.

  • Merged: The notes are consolidated into a single output.
  • By line: Each circle line has its own output.
Velocity mode

★ With AudioNodes HD

Determines how velocity is interpreted for each steps in the sequencer.

  • By lines: one velocity value for each circle lines, applied to every steps in it
  • Step by step: each steps has its unique velocity value

In case step by step is selected, a toggle button group appears at the top of the panel: to make velocity editing part accessible.

By selecting an actual precision (below the editor area), values are snapped to the closest multiplex while you drag each slider on the editor.

Timeline placing

When placed on the Timeline, the following rules apply to clips:

  • One clip: One single clip on Timeline
  • Clips sliced as pattern: Timeline clips are sliced according to the length of the circle pattern.

Circle Line Settings


★ With AudioNodes HD

The velocity of each note in the output. Slider only appears when the by lines velocity mode is selected, see the description below.


The pitch of each note in the output.


Indicates how many steps the generated pattern should be rotated.


The number of events within the specified timeframe.

Number of steps

Sets the number of steps in the pattern.


This Node has a variable number of outputs, it if aligned with the number of circle lines.

Each output is a Melody Output, emitting the generated circle notes sequence.

Node conversions

★ With AudioNodes HD

Node conversion is available from the node menu.

Convert to: Piano Roll Node

When converting, all notes from the Circle Sequencer Node are going to be transferred into the new Piano Roll Node. Since the latter one manifests with a timeline segment immediately, these rules will apply for time arrangement:

  • Node was not placed on Timeline: only one large segment will be created, 100% filled with notes from project’s beginning to its end
  • Node had one or more segments on Timeline: only one large segment will be created, but but notes will only be placed in those time slots on which a segment of the original node was placed.
Before and after: no notes placed in case of absent segments from the 16th beat

Note: we intend to make this configurable, with more options such as maintaining the old segments as they are.


The output format of this Node and the Piano Roll Node is actually identical, except this Node outputs a rhythm, each circle line with a single constant pitch, while the output of the Piano Roll Node can have varying pitch. This is the reason behind the existence of the Pitch setting, to configure the constant output pitch of output notes.