Melody Filter Node

Filters notes in a melody by pitch or velocity. This can be used to separate notes from a larger melody based on their properties, and perform individual processing on different notes. For example, notes within a specified velocity range can be sent to a Component Extension Node to create chords. This is a good way to emphasize musical dynamism quickly and easily.


Melody Input

A melody to filter, note by note. Notes satisfying your filter conditions will pass through, other notes are dropped.


Min Pitch

When filtering by pitch is enabled, sets the minimum allowed pitch each note must have to pass through, inclusive. Notes with a pitch lower than this value are dropped.

Max Pitch

When filtering by pitch is enabled, sets the maximum allowed pitch each note must have to pass through, inclusive. Notes with a pitch higher than this value are dropped.

Min Velocity

When filtering by velocity is enabled, sets the minimum allowed velocity each note must have to pass through. Notes with a velocity lower than this value are dropped.

Max Velocity

When filtering by velocity is enabled, sets the maximum allowed velocity each note must have to pass through. Notes with a velocity higher than this value are dropped.

Output Filtered Notes

★ With AudioNodes HD

When enabled, Filtered Output appears to send the filtered notes as well.


Melody Output

The filtered melody result, including notes satisfying your filter conditions, and not including the rest.

Filtered Output

The opposite of Melody Output. Only notes not matching your filters are included.

Enable this output from properties.