Drum Sequencer Node

Introducing a pattern-based grid sequencer designed for the swift creation of repetitive drum loops and straightforward melodies. To generate audio output, connect the sequencer to a Sampler Node, Oscillator Node, or Noise Generator Node, among other options.


Number of steps

Determines the number of steps in the pattern for each sequencer line.

Pitch display mode

Specifies how pitch is displayed in node components (context panel, drum line settings, etc.). Options include:

  • MIDI code (e.g., 54)
  • Musical note (e.g., A4)
Step length

Sets the duration of a single step in beats for each sequencer line. The custom step length feature is available with an AudioNodes HD subscription.

Display pitch as

Defines how the pitch is presented within the Node User Interface, for instance, in the drum line edit dialog.

  • MIDI code
  • Musical note: for example, A4, C#4, and so on. If the Notation in project settings is set to Flat (this setting is available with an AudioNodes HD subscription), the Node interprets and applies this approach, displaying musical notes such as Eb4, Db4, and so on.
Output mode

Specifies how the Node emits generated notes.

  • Merged: The notes are consolidated into a single output.
  • By line: Each drum line has its own output.
Timeline placing

When placed on the Timeline, the following rules apply to clips:

  • One clip: One single clip on Timeline
  • Clips sliced as pattern: Timeline clips are sliced according to the length of the drum pattern.
Velocity mode

★ With AudioNodes HD

Determines how velocity is interpreted for each steps in the sequencer.

  • By lines: Each line has its own velocity value applied to every step; the node initializes with this as the default.
  • Step by step: Each step has a unique velocity value, providing a more dynamic experience. The velocity editor appears below the stepper in this mode. Precise values can be set by selecting a specific precision below the editor area.

Drum Line Settings


★ With AudioNodes HD

The velocity of each note in the output. The slider becomes visible only when the “By Lines” velocity mode is selected. When velocity mode is set to Step by step, step value editor does become visible.


★ With AudioNodes HD

The displayed name of the drum line (e.g., Kick, Clap, Hat). Without HD activation, the name corresponds to the value attached to the selected pitch/MIDI code, remaining unchangeable in that case.


The pitch of each note in the output. The pitch value is unique within the containing Node.

Split lines to new node

★ With AudioNodes HD

After opening the “Edit lines” dialog, pressing Ctrl / Cmd enables selection, meaning checkboxes appear at the end of lines. Once lines are added, they can be transferred to a new Drum Sequencer Node.


This Node features a variable number of outputs aligned with the number of drum lines. Each output serves as a Melody Output, emitting the generated drum notes sequence.

Node conversions

★ With AudioNodes HD

Node conversion options are available from the node menu.

Convert to: Piano Roll Node

Transfers all notes from the Sequencer Node to the new Piano Roll Node. Time arrangement rules apply based on the node’s placement on the timeline.

Before and after: no notes placed in case of absent segments from the 16th beat
Convert to: Sequencer Node

Transfers all notes from the Sequencer Node to the new Sequencer Node. Time arrangement rules apply based on the node’s placement on the timeline.

Note: in the presence of more than one drum line, conversion is not available; the Sequencer Node can only handle a single pattern.


The functionality of this Node and the Sequencer Node is essentially identical, with the distinction that the Sequencer Node operates with only one “line” of rhythm. In contrast, the Drum Sequencer Node features multiple drum lines, enabling a more intricate approach. It is important to note that the Drum Sequencer Node exclusively supports classical drum pitches below A5.